small bag essentials

small bag essentials

So I recently got a small purse (the same one shown) and I realized that I would have to stop carrying around all of the junk loaded into my huge shoulder bag.  So I had to narrow things down to what I absolutely needed on a regular basis.

  1. My phone- rather obvious, but of course I still need to bring my phone in my purse. Unfortunately I will probably have to until they start making women’s pants have usefully sized pockets
  2. Little notebook and Pen- My huge planner had to make the move into my bookbag because I can’t spare the space.  The little blank pages come in useful for remembering dates and notes and giving out phone numbers (wink wink). Plus it’s terribly cute.  I have a similar one in purple.
  3. Coin Purse- Its small, cute and doubles as a wallet.  There’s easy access to my ID, and I get to feel like a girl in my grandma’s pearls with the cute pattern and style.
  4. Nivea- You wouldn’t believe how useful this comes in; dry skin, smudged eyeliner, cuticle issues, it handles that and more! Plus the small compact size means I don’t have to squeeze in a large lotion or hand cream.
  5. Lip stain- I honestly can’t go anywhere without lipcolor, so this stain is perfect! It’s small and slim so I can carry a few without everything getting clunky.  If you are a lipstick junkie and not fond of stains, then bring just your lipstick of the day and put it in a nice little lipstick case with a mirror.  I’d suggest this one from Leatherology! Its cute and simple.
  6. Lip Balm- As I said, I just can’t go anywhere without lip color! This balm from Burt’s Bees has just enough tint to make my very un-pigmented lips look alive.  At the same time it’s a rather natural color.
  7. Travel Sized Perfume-  I’m not one of those girls who drags around a big purse of bath and body works.  I’ve always stuck to the small sized ones and its especially useful with tiny purses!  This one by Katy Perry is my current carry on scent.  I also like this roll on one by charming charlie!

So that’s it for my small purse essentials!  Hopefully  it gave you some ideas!  What do you like to keep on hand?


Gift ideas for mom!

So Christmas is just around the corner, less than a week away!  However, some people are still lacking in the gift department!  If you’re needing a last minute fix, or just a few add on’s for your special lady, then here’s the list for you!

Christmas ideas for mom

These are the go to kind of items for me!  My mom’s birthday is right around Christmas, so I have to give gifts twice within about a weeks time.  My sister J and I almost always get her the bath and body works sets.  Regardless of the opinions of perfume aficionados, they’re of pretty nice quality.  And you can’t beat the variety in that one store!

As for the chocolates, I get my mom candy quite a bit.  It doesn’t initially seem like the most awesome gift, but when you get their favorite candy in addition to something else, it seems to double the awesomeness of the gift experience! And it shows a bit of thought.

Jewelry, Purses, Pajamas 

These are gifts you really cant go wrong on.  Pajamas are nice.  Even nicer when they look ridiculous.  With jewelry, you might not think it’s a good idea for people who don’t wear it a lot.  On the other hand, no one ever regrets getting something nice and shiny under the Christmas tree!  Not everyone carries a purse, true, but it’s always nice to have something pretty to carry all those candy canes and lumps of coal in.


Christmas list 2013

Christmas list 2013
Alright guys! Christmas is just around the corner and I wanted to share the base stuff in my list. It’s not a bunch since I’ve actually been trying to get the items from my wish list every month.
These are just the few things lacking in my life!
What’s on your lists?

Darker Days

Darker Days
I know I haven’t been on a lot lately. I guess I’m just not used to wordpress yet.  I’ll get into it eventually I suppose… but anyway!  I am a person who wears a lot of dark colors.  Some days are darker than others.  This is just the variety of things that I would wear when I’m having a darker day.  What do you guys wear on your “darker days”?



One could look at the new feeling in the air – the fresh warm colors of the leaves bunching up under our feet, or the chill of the things going bump in the cool nights – and come up with only one conclusion:  It must be getting close to Halloween!

This, in my opinion, is the best holiday.  When else do we get the opportunity to dress up, be anyone we want, and not get strange looks if our hair is a little more green than usual? Since it’s the best holiday, we have to do it in the best way, and that means celebrating!  So here’s my tips on how to get the best out of your All Hallows Eve!

  1.  Dress Up     Eventually at some point, most people feel like they’re too old to dress up.  Not on Halloween! Some of the best and most original costumes I’ve seen have come from older people.  And a major bonus is that age allows for a more detailed costume since your making/buying it yourself.   Even if you’re just wearing it to greet the kids at the door, dressing up is what makes Halloween Halloween.
  2. Eat Candy       Since the holiday seems to revolve around sugary stuff, why not indulge a bit?  Me personally, I’m always trying to diet and exercise.  But on Halloween I like to let it slip a bit.  After all, what’s a good time without pumpkin shaped marshmallows? Plus, a lot of candy available on Halloween isn’t available any other time of year.
  3. Get your Ghouls together   There’s nothing better to do on Halloween than a scary girls night out.  Wear your costumes, hit a party, or maybe see a haunted house.  The best Halloween adventures start with a few friends on board for the thrill.
  4. Decorate    Nothing gets me in the Halloween spirit more than a few fake cobwebs hanging around and a glowing head here or there.  You may not be the kind for decoration, but it’s worth the effort to see others gawk at your creepy crawly casa.
  5. Foody Food Food.    Unlike some other holidays, Halloween isn’t all about the grub.  On the other hand, some of the best foods are found around Halloween. Spider cookies, candied apples, cider, and skull cupcakes! All of it’s delicious and most of its easy to make yourself too!
  6. Enjoy the mood  This one’s self explanatory.  Don’t be the Scrooge of Halloween!  Its one of the most fun holiday’s around so have fun with it!

So that’s my tips on having fun this Halloween!  What do you guys like to do to make sure the Halloween season is spectacular?  I’d love to hear it!


Whoo! Its been a long month.  More than a few exams and more than a few tears.  It’s honestly been interesting.   I think that this month started out on a high, but its ending up a lot better than expected.   How’s your October been?

Anywhoo, I’ve had the burning desire (sorry, that song’s been stuck in my head a while…)  for a few things this month.  Generally it’s very fall like things I’m yearning for.  I haven’t had a lot of beauty related wants, but that’s because the cooler weather has been good on my skin, so nothing much has changed.

October 2013 wishlist
October 2013 wishlist by lelajayy featuring ceramic plate H&M acrylic sweater, $24 / White top, $37 / Rick Owens long cashmere sweater, $545 / Trasparenze hosiery, $17 / Ceramic plate
  1. The one thing I’ve really been wanting this month are Sweaters!  The chill is just starting to set in on my usually mild climate and I’ve definitely been needing them.  It’s a bit hard for me to transition my summer to fall/winter wardrobe but every year, it’s the sweaters that do the trick.  My personal belief is to get a bunch of the neutral basic colors – black, brown, and cream – and then mix and match and accessorize from there.
  2. My next want is Peeps!  I love these candies!!! I know they must be terrible, sugar covered sugary marshmallows, but they’re absolutely amazing.  Recently, they’ve started making them for most of the major holidays instead of just Easter, so I’ll be looking out to get some this month especially!
  3. Who doesn’t love the rich spicy smell of pumpkins and cinnamon?  Most people turn to Yankee candles or other brands of delicious candles for this kind of warmth in their rooms.  Unfortunately, my mom doesn’t think candles are safe, so I cant enjoy them.  I felt like I was missing out until I found out about wax warmers. They’re all the smell without the whole “Oh no did I just burn the house down again? golly gee…”  Hopefully I’ll acquire one this month.
  4. Next is stockings (or pantyhose if you prefer).  You might be asking why in the world I’d want them this time of year.  I just love them in fall for wearing under sweater dresses with boots.  It looks a lot nicer than leggings, but you just have to remember to bring a jacket!
  5. Last but not least is… (drum roll please)                                                              Pumpkin Spice Lattes!  It just isn’t October without them, and yet I haven’t had a single one yet!

Well, that’s about it for my October wishlist. Its rather short this month since I’m not sure about my weather yet.  What have you been wanting this month?



Once again I must apologize.  I’ve been out and about and I’ve had school things and I’ve completely forgot I even made this blog…

But I will eventually start posting again whenever I become more interesting… which will hopefully happen sooner now that I’m supposed to have a bit more free time.


Pamper Yourself!


Ok, I felt like making this point after a rather stressful weekend.  I’ve had a lot to do with my sister preparing for her new baby and with school starting on Tuesday for me.  Sometimes after rushing around and being stressed all I need is a good pampering, and although I hate the word (does anyone else immediately think of diapers?) I have DEFINITELY been needing it lately.  I thought I’d share a few things I do whenever I feel the need for a “Me Day”!

  • Take a Bubble Bath

I know it is one of those unavoidable cliches, what with the girl taking a bubble bath with candles and wine and rose petals and other things that don’t normally happen (at least to me), but it is a very good way to relax.  Typically I’ll use something like the cucumber melon bubble bath from Avon and whatever bath salts my mom has around at the moment. A nice soak is enough to relieve a good bit of stress.  If you don’t have a bathtub available, a hot shower is the next best thing.

  • Facial Masks!

I will admit to actually enjoying these.  Maybe it’s just in some people’s nature to enjoy goop on their face, I don’t know, but I do know that it makes me feel nice! This is the one I  really like. It makes my skin soft and its not too greasy. Plus it’s usually pretty easy on my skin.

  • Indulge

Weather it be chocolate, that new pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing, or just a little time to yourself for something, its a good idea to indulge in what you like when you need a good pampering! I like to sit down with some chocolate covered blueberries and a good book, since I lack the time for that usually.

  • Watch a good movie

It’s literally the perfect way to relax and have a little fun too, especially for those of us who don’t usually get the time for a movie. So pick out one of your favorites and watch away! A personal favorite of mine is Breakfast at Tiffany’s, since I rewatch it so often.  I’ve also really liked Sherlock and Doctor Who lately. Although they aren’t movies, they are pretty long and very entertaining if you’d like to give them a shot.

  • Mani/Pedi

I’m not someone who can keep polish on their nails.  I love the way a freshly done manicure looks, but I don’t usually keep one myself.  If I’m feeling up for a “Me Day” though, I’ll do them for the heck of it. My all time favorite color is OPI’s Bastille My Heart. It’s a slightly vampy shade of red that I find complementary to most skin tones.

Alright, that’s what I like to do to pamper myself.  It’s not a huge list, but you don’t have to do a lot!  Just taking time for yourself out of your busy schedule is enough to feel a difference.

What do you like to do do pamper yourself?